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loop parameters
loading tracks ./.
processing tracks
Ce service respecte le droit d’auteur. Tous les droits des auteurs des œuvres protégées reproduites et communiquées sur ce site, sont réservés. Toute utilisation des œuvres autres que l’écoute dans le cadre du cercle de famille est interdite.
This service respects copyright. All rights of the authors of the protected works reproduced and communicated on this site are reserved. Any use of the works other than listening within the family circle is stritcly prohibited.
click on any tempo bar(s) to only play tracks within that range
list copy buffer, save/load playlist (TBD)
rebuild track duration as a histogram (1-2 minutes)
AABA structure
ABAB structure
ABAC structure
AAA structure
Blues (6 eight)
Big Apple: Big Apple Contest
Mama Stew: Hand Clappin
Shim Sham: Tain't What You Do
Tranky Doo: The Dipsy Doodle
- expand main view to set speed, tempo,loop …
- go back to previous track
- restart playing track from top, pause 6 sec. if double click
- rewind track 6 seconds (12 if double click)
- advance track 6 seconds (12 if double click)
- move to next track in list
- toggle 'like' status of above track
- toggle 'dislike' status (just another category)
- linear playing (↗ bpm), click to switch to random
- random playing, click to switch to linear mode
- main list, click to select playlist
- playlist, click to switch to main list
- restart with a delayed timer of 6 seconds
- reset (without parameters if double click)
drag and drop
- on the list/custom tab, you can drag and drop tracks to change the playing order.
double clicks
- on [like] button => add current track to URL in copy buffer (cumulative)
- on [search] button => pulls up the list of all keywords in track names
URL parameters
- mmm-nnn – select tempos in range (e.g. 135-155)
- mmm – select specific tempo (e.g. 156)
- mmm.n – select n-th track at tempo (e.g. 160.0)
- *n or n% – select speed % (e.g. *80, default *100)
- @min:sec @sec start playing at time position
- @min:sec-min:sec start and end playing at time position
- @min:sec-min:sec|min:sec-min:sec|... play ≠ time segments
- ccc/ – select collection(s), default is swing/ can be multiple, e.g. swing/electro/
- /ccc – get command lines from file data/ccc.txt
- sss – select all tracks matching pattern (e.g. comes love)
- sss@nnn – all tracks matching pattern where tempo is nnn
- /rrr/ – select all tracks matching regex pattern
- $... – followed by any string of letters will apply shortcuts, e.g. $GA
- !... – followed by a string of tracks to be pre-loaded into playlist, e.g. !3yyTBr!KyZ8Z
- \... – followed by a string to be added to groups, e.g. \basie\benny
- ...\ – followed by a string of groups, e.g. basie\benny\ to select them
- parameters can be stringed together, e.g.
racourcis clavier/keyboard shortcuts
- 0-9 – navigate through tabs
- A –select full range of tempos
- B –skip back 6 seconds in track
- C – change track
- D –skip forward 6 seconds in track
- E – toggle expand/collapse in track list view
- F – flush lists, keep at most one of each group
- G – select all tracks from predefined groups
- H – remove group tracks from selection
- I
- J
- K – like/unlike
- L – toggle linear/random mode
- M – toggle mainlist/playlist mode
- N – toggle select all/none
- O – toggle select liked/set/history
- P – play/pause
- Q – start/stop loop
- R – return to previous track
- S – set playlist
- T – toggle tempos range active
- U – toggle disclaimer (utilisation)
- V – delay start by 5 seconds after rewind
- W – rewind track
- X – toggle parameters box (règlages)
- Y – play / restart mixer list (mixer version only)
- Z - rewind track but do not start playing